What’s Yours?

Doesn’t everyone have a favorite grits story?

My fondest grits memory is from a moment at age 8 when I saw my first grits tree in bloom. Delicate pale yellow blossoms gracefully cascaded down limber slender shoots extending from the sturdy central trunk. This was a mature grits tree in a grove of 100 sister trees. Such a sight has been known to make even the most weathered farmer grow misty eyed.

Um, ahhh…the aroma! The sweetness has not been captured by skilled aroma therapist... Read More

Ms. Cranky’s New Year’s Resolution

Ms. Cranky resolves in this sacred new year of 2012 to be extremely kind and sweet to people — unless they walk into her bosom while reading their electronic devices.

And, Cranky truly resolves to stop envying thin women, especially those monsters who sit right across from you at dinner and eat everything in sight and when you question — “do you ever have to diet?” — they, oh, so casually reply — “Oh, it’s in the genes, I can eat anything I want’”— ouii, Well... Read More

Linda Saccoccio: Ancient Present

Linda Saccoccio: Ancient Present

Postures curved
aching, troubled angles
Inner tombs
Mirrored walls
Arches exquisite for fine extravagances
Crowds of tourists
European landmarks
Versailles or St. Peter’s or…
Voices and bodies that labored
Laborers who caretake and visit
General public in royal palaces
Fine, the line between
Interior and exterior
An elder hunched, slowly
Walks home in the countryside
Thriving scrub and flora
Lift soul... Read More

Linda Saccoccio: Loosened Knots

Linda Saccoccio: Loosened Knots

Melancholic blazing day
Loosened knots
Trapped bunny-head balloon
Released in a game
Tempting the fatal
Escapes the wistful child’s hand
Atmosphere of devilish humor
Draws it into oblivion
Cobblestone curbing
Art of Italian grandpa, Nonno
Shoelaces untied
Loose and listless
Grayed from running
from madness running
Bliss of the wind
Flight fantasies soar
Birdcall, bicycle squeak whistleRead More

Linda Saccoccio: Eve

Linda Saccoccio: Eve

Deception, perception
A broken glass
A ruptured rib and rite
For Eve
Basking nude in sun honey
Where serpents and apples tempt
Into or out of
A thermometer of time
Hangs to torment
Third eye vision
Rigid myth
Bright, innocent,
elegant face
For fate to fondle
Fair and forgiving
She takes the ride
For art, religion and history’s sake
Possibly... Read More