Artist Conference Network
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Who is an Artist?
We define “artist” broadly. The Conference is designed for people who are ready to deepen their commitment to their creative work and coach others in the process of doing the same. Conference members include professional and amateur artists working in every medium. We are painters, sculptors, novelists, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, filmmakers, composers, jazz singers, architects, costume designers, graphic artists, dancers, storytellers, photographers, performance artists and more!
What Do You Mean by Coaching?
Conference Coaching is designed to empower the artist to be in action. It trusts the artist to be the authority for her own life and work. The purpose of Conference Coaching is to access mastery in creative work. Mastery is defined as the alignment of our skills with our full creative power and vision.
How Do I Join the Artist Conference Network?
Participation in the Conference begins with an intensive Conference Weekend with a local group of artists living near you. To see where upcoming Conference Weekends are happening, check the “Events” page. To register for an upcoming Conference Weekend, go to the “Join/Register” page.

At the Weekend, everyone learns the A C N coaching process, creates a vision for their work and sets one-year and three-month goals. After the Weekend, there are regular meetings to share creative work two times a month and weekly coaching sessions with a partner in your group.

How Do I Find a Group Near Me?
To find a group near you, go to the “Groups” tab and press the “Contact Us” button below your city to get in touch with the local group leaders. The best way to be introduced to the Artist Conference is through a Goal Completion Celebration, where you meet the group members, experience their work, and learn some of the coaching process. Upcoming Goal Completion Celebrations are listed under the “Events” tab.

If you look on the “Events” page and learn that the group near you just had their Conference Weekend, don’t despair! It’s possible to take a Conference Weekend in another city and then join your local group. Click here for more information.

If there is no group near you, we’ll help you set one up!
Also, we are starting an online group this year. Click here to inquire about either option.

What Does It Cost?
The Conference Weekend costs $345 for New Members and $310 for Renewing Members, which includes a year of breakthrough coaching sessions with a partner, monthly meetings to share creative work and Goal Completion Celebrations every three months!
Payment plans are available.
How is the Artist Conference different?
The Artist Conference Network is a new culture for the arts – a new paradigm for community in the arts. It is a non-academic, non-competitive, highly stimulating, action-oriented culture, informed by the paradoxical rigor of the creative process.